New Midi Tools for Bars and Pipes Pro


NewMidiIn is equivalent to the standard MidiIn, just drop it in the Track at the left.

NewMidiOut is equivalent to the standard MidiOut, just drop it in the Track at the right.

NewMidiOut2 is the same as NewMidiOut but can use a different serial device so you can have 16 channels with NewMidiOut and 16 with NewMidiOut2.

Before the Tools can be used you have to create the prefs files in Envarc:
This is very easy, see the examples. The files are just text files.
NewMidiIn expects a file called NewMidiIn.prefs to be in envarc:
NewMidiOut expects a file called NewMidiOut1.prefs to be in envarc:
NewMidiOut2 expects a file called NewMidiOut2.prefs to be in envarc:
The file should contain the serial device name on the first line and the unit number on the second.

Should the file not exist or the device not be available the tool just won't be created.
In future the device selection might be done in the GUI.
Written by G. O. Jones